Hi, my name is Dare
I'm the Frontend Engineer You Need.

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Hi There, My Name is Oyasope Dare. i am a Frontend Engineer based in Lagos, Nigeria. I have the knack for converting high-fidelity design prototypes into working, performant and accessible applications. I am also well-versed at writing technical articles

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FaceAI allows you to detect a face in any given image, the technologies included in making the web App are Html, Css, Javascript and React.

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Robofriends is an App that allows you search through your Robots friends, the web App was created using Html, Css, Javascript, React as the framework and Redux for state management. Check it out, Click Sign In do not bother registering and meet your new friends.

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Daily Read

The ultimate christian App, this simple frontend app allows you to read different bible verses, affirmation and prayer point everyday, it was created using Html, Css, Javascript and React as the framework, ever since it was depolyed on Heroku it has over 5 daily users, go ahead and check it out!

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